"It is dark in here"

A woman is having an affair during the day while her husband is at
Her nine-year-old son comes home unexpectedly, sees the illegal lovers
hides in the bedroom cupboard to watch. Then the woman's husband
unexpectedly comes home.
She hides her lover in the cupboard, not realising that her little boy
is in there already.
The little boy says: "Dark in here."
The man says: "Yes, it is."
Boy: "I have a soccerball, do you want to buy it?"
Man: "No, thanks."
Boy: "My dad's outside, I'll call him if you don't buy it!"
Man: "OK, how much?"
Boy: "R250-00."
A few weeks later it happened again and the boy and the lover were in
the cupboard together again.
Boy: "Dark in here." Man: "Yes, it is."
Boy: "I have soccer boots."
The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy: "How much?"
The boy says:"R750-00."
The secret lover says: "Fine, I will buy them."
A few days later, the father says to the boy:
"Grab your ball and boots, let's go outside and have a game."
The boy says: "I can't, I sold them for R1000."
The father says: "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like
that..... R1000 is way more than those two things cost.
I'm going to take you to church and make you confess your sins."
They go to church and the father makes the little boy sit in the
confession booth and he closes the door.
The boy says: "Dark in here."
The priest says: "Don't start that shit again!"

1 comment:

  1. Nakulokhu futhi, ngizizwa ngibusiseke kakhulu emshadweni wami ngemuva kokuba uDkt Igbinovia ebuyisele unkosikazi wami, ohlukanise nami iminyaka eyisithupha enhle. NginguLuja-amadoda uMengu ogama lakhe ngivela kwaHankey, e-Eastern Cape, naseNingizimu Afrika yize ngine umlomo wonke umzimba wami, bekungeke kwanele ukubonga uDrIgbinova ngokungisiza ngempilo yami. Umkami wayehlukane nami iminyaka eyisithupha manje, futhi nganginobuhlungu futhi ngibuhlungu ngaphandle komkami Ngakho-ke, bengifuna usizo kuyo yonke indawo, kepha akukho lutho olwalusebenza ngaze ngacabanga ngoDkt Igbinovio engixhumene naye online. Ngamchazela isimo sami futhi wathembisa ukuthi unkosikazi wami uzobuyela kimi kungakapheli izinsuku ezintathu, inqobo nje uma inhliziyo yami isashaya ngemuva kwakhe. Ngakholelwa kuye futhi wangilungiselela lona lomlingo futhi umkami wangibiza ngqo lapho kuthengiswa kukaDktIgbinovia. uzoncenga athi ngizodinga ukubuya futhi manje sesiphile iminyaka eyisithupha sijabule. Nonke nifunda i-athikili yami okufanele imsize azise. I-imeyili: doctorigbinovia93@gmail.com noma ku-whatsapp / viber ku +2348144480786 futhi uthole impendulo esheshayo ngenkinga yakho
