Wangibhebha ngagezeka igilo - EO

Ngangiqhanyelwe ngifa! Ngase ngina 6 months ngawugcina umthondo. Ngavele ngazitshela ngisuka nje res ukuthi kukhona engangizombhebhisa kuletrip yethu eyayiya e-Drankensberg. Babungeke-nje buphelele ubumnandi for two nights, Friday and Saturday nights out ngingabhejwanga. Kwakufanele ngilahle noma kanjani, purposely futhi. I even carried i-protection. Hhha, umthondo ngiwuthanda impela kodwa ngangikakazimiseli ngokufa. Pho yayinhle yini ibhasi ababesiqashele yona! Pure luxury. Good music, aircon and luxurious seats. Yonke into yayi-mncwahh, even i-weather ngathi yayivume thina sodwa nje. So ngavele ngagqoka my white mini skirt without underwear purposely. Ngangifuna ukuba drop dead sexy to lure my victims. I was among the first ukungena ebhasini and I picked a two seat just behind the tall seat over the rear wheel yebhasi. So that the only people who could see ukuthi kwenzekani on my seat would be limited to a few eyes. Inhliziyo yayishaya ngamandla ngifisa nje sengathi kungahlala a young man ozaziyo izinto eduze kwami, hhayi isicefe se-nerd ezoloku ikhuluma ngama courses and stuff. Was I going to be lucky?

Baqhubeka bengena abafundi ebhasini. Eduze kwami kwakungahlali muntu bede bedlula sengathi abasiboni isikhala esasikwi-window seat yengangihleli kuyo. Angazi ukuthi ngaphazanyiswa yini, ngoba ngethuka sengizwa a very sexy and deep voice ithi: "Baby, kindly move towards the window, I would like the pleasure of sitting with your on this trip." Ngezwa inhliziyo ishaya ngokushesha. Ngaphakamisa amehlo. Damn, what a handsome lad!!! I obliged. Ngamuvela ngase windini. Ngezwa umzimba wonke uvuka uhlefane. Wahlala, wangibuka straight on my eyeballs ngezwa amanzi egcwala emadolweni ngashaywa ngoluncane uvalo. Luckily sasihleli phansi, ukube sasimile, maybe wayeyobona kuvevezela amadolo. Ngaziqinisa, nami ngamubuka straight into his sexy eyes. "Hello beautiful, how are you doing?", washo engishaya ngesmile somhlaba. "I'm fine, thanks unjani wena?, ngaphendula ngiswebeza in a lady like voice. Ngangibamba isimilo, then I looked down, purposely. Ngambona  with a corner of my left eye ekhotha izindebe zomlomo. Ngasho ngenhliziyo ngathi yahlangana idabuli. I would not have picked any better young man than the one who was sharing a seat with me on that trip.

"I gama ngingu Yasoh sweety"
"Mina ngingu-Ayoh"
Sahleka sobabili sabukana emehlweni. Umhlaba savele sawuphendula owethu sobabili. Kwaphazamisa lomfana weNdiya owayedrayiva ibasi eseyireva sengathi uzoshaya ngayo isidudla. Yachwaza ibhasi kukhala amakhwela. Phela wonke umuntu wayejabule, kwakubonakala nje ukuthi yabe igcagcele esokeni kithi sonke. Sasizochitha the whole week-end away, sibuye on Sunday morning.  Yathi ingasuka ibhasi, sabuyela engxoxweni yethu. Umculo wawudlalela phansi futhi uromantic. Everything was perfect! Saxoxa kamnandi noYasoh, ngathatheka impela, I was wet all the way to the hotel esasiqashelwe lona. I felt a bit sorry for my parents to pay so much for me ukuthi ngiybhejwa. I consoled myself ngokuthi vele I was over 21, so it is not like I was a teenager who didn't know what she was doing. Phela the trip was for the 3rd year students and it was timed right ngo-mid-March so we had the whole year to be serious with our studies.

We had one rest stop, savumelana no-Yasoh ukuthi sasizokwehlukana siye kobona our friends, siphinde sihlangane khona ebhasini. That is when I realized ukuthi most people were sitting in couples. Was it a coincidence? Hell NO, I don't think! Mina and my gals we all scored our Romeo's or so I gathered on the rest stop. Almost all 4 of us sasesicabanga ngama sleeping arrangements. I was going to share with Bongi...and seemingly, Razoh, Bongi's boyfriend was Yasoh's friend and they were going to share also. Yahlangana i-dabuli. I don't know who arranged sleeping rooms, but I overhead that our rooms would be next to each other. Boys would share and we would share. Lezindaba zavele zangenza ngaqhanyelwa more. Sibuyela ebhasini nje all I was thinking about was bedtime! Sahlangana khona kwi-seat yethu noYasoh. He whispered the good knews to me and by then we were like an old couple. Knecking and stealing baby kisses at every opportune moment....

Oopsie, can I finish the story on the next chapter? Don't go away, pleaaaa...seee. I love you mwuahhh


  1. Lengane ingcolile, ukuthi u-over 21 akusho ukuthi hambe ubhebhisa bonke abantu laba. Bazoyikhwela phela lengane kwi next chapter. Engabe ulindeni nalosisi obhalayo noma naye bamdida ngomthondo wangabe esayiqhuba lento yakhe?

  2. Iyoh hehehe bethuna ndiyanibongoza ningangxami. Ndibhizi ndiyaphangela, ndivile ndizakuyigqiba before Monday. Many apologies zithandwa zaam, niyathandwa ndim... mwuah
