Sleeping with the enemy

My ex-hubby and I used to argue and fight about almost everything. It got to a point where we lost respect, trust and even love for each other. Sex became as mechanical as putting petrol in the car. Do you understand what I mean? Have you experienced the same at anytime in your life? Do you know anyone who is going through the phase?

Anyway, it got so worse that we started to sabotage each others good deeds. I'm no angel, I had my fair share of underhand methods that I used to ensure that I destroyed his dreams. I guess it is because he was the main reason why almost all my dreams died a slow and painful death. You know when you have the feeling that things are not as they look to be on the surface. You get the hunch but you can't prove 100% that someone is pulling the carpet under you feet?

Fortunately for us, we eventually realized that marriage was not working for us. We were two very lovely individuals who got the worst out of each other. We were lucky not to kill each other, literally. After our horrible experience, we were both shocked how terrible the situation had become. I guess the guilty conscience got the best of us. It took 3 years after our divorce for us to come clean. As we talked about how we destroyed each other, tears just streamed out of our eyes. After that long talk, we took almost a year not contacting each other, until one day I got a short call from him. He went straight to the point: "Look baby, I called you to ask if you have moved on. I'm asking because I find it very hard to move on, I'm afraid to say this, but I'm still scared to get involved with anyone else. Better the Devil I know. Wouldn't you like us to get together for a little snack in my house so we can battle it out like we used to do? I miss the fights we had, don't you?

I was supposed to feel angry, for one he called me a devil and secondly, why would I go and share the bad past with him. For some strange reason, I just fell relieved that at last he called and I wouldn't miss the opportunity of meeting my enemy again!

We set an appointment and we met. We had good time together. We didn't end there we also had sex. I could be mistaken, but to me the sex we had was the best that I've ever had since I were I'm no spring chicken :)).

I'm so confused. Am I foolish or do such things happen - generally? I feel like going back together with this man. Am I mad?

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